De Heilige Wet van Eén.

Christos Vincit          Christos Regnat          Christos Imperat

I  AM  ONE  with the Cosmic Mind.


I AM Held Gently at all times,

within the love of the Original ONE-the True God of Creation.


I AM strong, and resolute in my calling, 

I hear the call of my Sacred Original Divine Self. My God-Self leading me Home.


I AM clear of Mind and Vision,

as the Knowing of my God-Self flows through me at ALL times. 


I AM in this moment fully embraced by my

God-Self and its' Conection to the Original God.


I AM at Peace in the face of anger.

I am Calm in the face of Chaos.


I AM filled with the glowing essence of Divine Love,

through whith I AM healed.


I AM the vessel for Original Truth and Wisdom.

I AM the conduit for Original Love.


I AM the living expression of the Sacred LAW of ONE.


I AM Harmless yet Powerful. I AM Humble yet Knowing.


I AM the expression of Eternal Love, Light, Truth & Power

I carry the Will of the Original ONE through all of my moments,

allowing, the Divine to touch others though me.


I AM Whole NOW. I AM Peace NOW.

I AM Wisdom NOW. I AM Divine Love NOW.



